Wood-Pasture and Parkland is a priority habitat under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP), and is generally the product of a historic land management system. It typically consists of large, open-grown or high forest trees at various densities, in a matrix of grazed pasture. Parkland is frequently of national historic, cultural or landscape importance.
Wood-pasture habitats are particularly important for their number and continuity of veteran (ancient) trees, with an associated saproxylic (wood-eating) invertebrate fauna and epiphytic flora. They are outstanding at a European level, because veteran trees are significantly more abundant in Britain than elsewhere. Parkland can provide important habitat for bats and birds, and can also help to preserve indigenous tree genotypes. |
Large bracket fungus on veteran beech, Kemerton Court
Newly planted lime standard, New Park |
Kemerton Park
In 2004, the Trust assisted in a major new parkland scheme in Kemerton, co-funded by DEFRA and Kemerton Estate. Four arable fields, one grass field and two small woods were combined into a single 55 acre (22 ha) parkland. The new parkland has been designed as an extension to the small eighteenth century park associated with Kemerton Court, which lies across Kinsham Lane to the east. The new parkland incorporates a number of mature and veteran trees – some formerly in boundary hedges – which provide important habitat for dead-wood invertebrates. Several hundred oak, ash, small-leaved lime and beech saplings have been planted to ensure the long-term replacement of veteran trees. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are not generally used in the management of Kemerton Park, and over time it is expected that a rich habitat for dead-wood invertebrates and other wildlife will develop. The park is prominently located at the entrance to the village of Kemerton, and is crossed by a footpath. |
Mature oak and newly planted standards, New Park